2022-03-04 wac

No War 0305 参加決定!!

No War 0305

2022年3月5日(土) 12:30-til sunset


Presented by 全感覚祭

 No War 0305


「No War 0305」と題して、新宿南口にて戦争反対とウクライナ侵攻によって傷ついた人たちのサポートを呼びかけます。

No War 0305
2022年3月5日(土) 12:30-til sunset
会場 : 新宿駅南口
Presented by 全感覚祭


Date/time: 5th of March (sat) from 12:30 to sunset
Place: South exit of Shinjuku station

No War. 戦争反対。

No war. I’m Against war.

We call for support and donations to those who had been hurted by President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and are in danger.

I want to have this place for people who have vague feelings and are anxious about this situation.



2/26 プーチン・ロシア軍によるウクライナ侵略に抗議するデモに参加した。いや、参加というよりは当事者であるウクライナの人のスピーチの切実さに立ちつくすしかなかったと言った方が正しいかもしれない。群衆の列の一番後ろで小さなウクライナの旗を振るおばあちゃんが「家にいても泣いてるだけだからはじめてデモに来たの」と自分に小さな声で話してくれた。自分も同じ気持ちですと伝えた。

2/26の在日ウクライナ人主催のデモには、ハチ公に誰かが貼った「NO WAR」のフライヤーの下に「プーチンを殺せ」というフライヤーが貼られていた。その矛盾に目を瞑り、束ねる熱狂はどんな美しい響きを持ってもなお危険さと隣り合わせで、自分がうまくいられなかった理由はそれかもしれないと思う。


このNO WAR03/05ではこの戦争によって傷ついた戦争被害者や難民支援を行う団体への寄付を呼びかけたい。




ほしいのは熱狂ではなくそれぞれの実感でたどり着いたNO WAR。そして言葉にすることには確かに意味があると認め合いたい。
3/5の新宿、自分で考えて持ち寄ったNO WARのプラカードを持ってきてほしい。上手くても下手でもいい。でも書けないって人もいるので、イラストレーターや絵描きの皆さん、使ってもいいという絵があればセブンイレブンコピーのリンクにさせてほしい。それぞれの表し方を尊重する。




Statement of the event below

I’m against war.

I typed the word in and tried to post it, but my emotion couldn’t be settled and it certainly eroded my daily life.

The anger and sadness from the evilness of war is indescribable. And no matter what words I try to describe, the feeling of helplessness still sticks around me. I’m just opening and closing my mouth in my bed.

I’m against war. Is it meaningless to say?

On 26th of February, I joined a protest against the invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s Russian troops. No, it was more like I was just standing and listening to the urgency of the speeches of the Ukraine people rather than participating .

“ I came to the protest for the first time otherwise I just crying in my home.” A old Japanese lady who was waving a small Ukraine flag at the back of the crowd told me with her small voice. I replied I felt the same.

Is this little flag waving by the lady meaningless? I kept thinking.

Although the speech ended, my reality of living in Japan in 2022 had nowhere to go and was floating.

Some faces I knew remained at the scramble intersection in Shibuya, perhaps they had the same feelings as me.

There we had dialogue not just sharing the information.

I’ve been to some protests , but I’ve never settled here well. It isn’t easy to get consensus between different people. In the protest hosted by Ukraine people on 26th of February, there was a flyer posted on the statue of Hachiko by someone saying “Kill Putin” under the flyer of “No war”.

I closed my eyes from the contradiction. The enthusiasm is always close to danger no matter how beautiful it sounds and this is why I’ve never fit in protests.

Still, protests create new possibilities by meeting people. Going out to the city, meeting people with your own voice and feelings have huge potential that goes beyond imagination. In fact, this NO WAR 0305 action started from the day of 26th by seeing friends at the protest.

Meeting people opens up infinite new possibilities. Therefore, I believe that it is meaningful to create a place to gather, even if it is under the pandemic. There is no difference from the Zenkankakusai (The music festival that Mahito has been hosting for over 10 years) that I personally cherished.

One of my Ukraine friends complained to me, “ Everyone has sympathy for Ukraine but they don’t really take action.”

In this NO WAR 0305protest, I would like to ask you to donate to the war victims and refugee support organizations.

To take a break, I stopped writing and sat down on the bench in a park nearby. Open a can coffee and took a deep breath.

Two kids playing with a ball in front of me. When I was looking at them, my nose became muffled. The scent of spring goes through my mask.

There must be a park like this in Ukraine. The museum you went on the first date, ordinary way back from school, favorite view of the city from the bus stop and the grave where ancestors sleep quietly. Every destroyed building had its own original memories.

There must have been scenery like what I’m seeing in Ukraine.

Now people in Ukraine are suffocating on the platform of the subway, the scene keeps destroying one after another, and the seasons slowly move over.

It’s hard to believe that more than 2000 Ukraine citizens died, how many spirits and scenery are gone.

And among the 6000 Russian soldiers who reported to die, there would be people like the children playing in this park.

Where the tears from partners and friends can be dropped. People who play guitar like me are now forced to hold guns.

Imagine the song they wanted to sing.

Music evokes the scent of life which is replaced by the number of the people who have died.

Music reminds us of the temperatures of the people which have been referred to as Russia and Ukraine.

I want to have the outline of hatred of war which robbed them of being able to go out and the joy of meeting people.

The war situation changes day by day and it became more and more complicated.

People in Ukraine are gathering together to fight despite the overwhelming difference in the strength of armed forces. But is there any reason why people really have to kill people in the first place?

What is the feeling of leaving your hometown and passing through the burning houses, straddling the place of soot-painted memories?

I heard the report that Russian soldiers who were much younger than me entered the battlefield despite being told to be training.

An unthinkable domineering runs through.

A Russian friend who came to an anti-war protest here is full of Ukraine flags. A Russian friend who can’t send money to their parents in their homeland because the bank is suspended. A Russian friend in Paris whose visa is going to expire in 2weeks and will be forced to join the army soon after he goes back to Russia.

Complex divisions that can’t be easily stated are confused in front of me however, what is certain is I am AGAINST WAR. This is an overwhelming evil that hasn’t changed.

What I want is not enthusiasm but the NO WAR that arrived to you through your real feelings. And I want to acknowledge that it certainly makes sense to put it into words.

Shinjuku on 5th of March, I want ask you to bring the NO WAR placard with you. Doesn’t matter if the paintings are good or bad, respect each other’s expressions. I don’t think this anti-war protest can capture the feelings of everyone in the complex layers. On the day of the event, there will be protests organized by Ukrainians at different locations and perspectives. I think it’s healthy for each person to choose for themselves where to belong.

As with the protests that are taking place all over the world, it is meaningful for people to get together for being against the war.

The message that we care about you in a difficult position due to this invasion is connected like a morning relay all over the world and has a not-so-small meaning.

Difficult situations such as Covid-19 are still continuing. If you want this rally to run to the end, please wear a mask and not be too dense, bring your imagination. And at the protest, please listen to the staff’s guidance and do not step on the Braille block. If anyone is in trouble, help the staff or the participants. I want you to be considerate. Because everyone is the party who lives in this sad situation. This is my heartfelt request.

When the feeling of helplessness that was letting you play alone in the room begins to have a temperature, imagine people who are still living in a difficult situation at this moment.

Those who fled Ukraine and became refugees. Those imprisoned for being anti-war under Putin’s administration, those with minorities who are even more at stake in this situation, power should be used to support them.

Don’t waste our energies to sneer, scrutinize discussions and encourage division.

Act means a lot even if it feels like a small voice or small amount of donation.

Imagine what is happening now, not captured as a subject of distant country, but as a human being who lives as we do.

Everyone should think by themselves about what can be called justice and choose what you believe.

On the 5th of March, I wonder if the old lady is going to come?

It’s a crazy period but you and I still exist.

Let’s prove we are still alive.

Mahito the people

No War プラカード受付先 nowar.20220305@gmail.com